Family photoshoots are the best! But sometimes, it can be difficult to get everyone’s attention! As a photographer, it’s your job to capture what seems like perfect moments, even if they may not be exactly perfect! To help with that, here are Anna’s 8 best family poses for photoshoots! They’ll help keep everyone engaged and entertained!
1. The Bum Pinch
Have on person pinch someone else’s bum or have everyone do it the count of three! Capture that moment! You’ll get some fun reactions in this shot!
2. The Funny Guy
Ask your clients to look at the person who makes them laugh the most!
3. Group the Family by Family Units
Have your clients group themselves into family units – small families, just siblings, couples, singles, and so on!
4. The Game of Tag
For this pose, have everyone run around and play tag! The parents will be glad you helped the kids release some energy.
5. The Tickle
Have one person start tickling each other and capture their immediate laughs from that. You could even have the whole family tickle each other!
6. The Cheek to Cheek
Ask everyone to squeeze each other, cheek to cheek!
7. The Quote
This pose requires that you get to know the family! With an understanding of what the family likes, you will be able to make them laugh! Learn their favorite movie/song/etc. Repeat a line from it to make them smile!
The families you work with are going to leave happy because you helped them feel joy! That’s the point of these poses. There’s nothing better than true smiles and laughs, and you’ll see that in the photos you take!
8. The Clumped Line
Put the family into a line and squish them together. Tell them we don’t want any air let in between their bodies and that their back feet and toes should be lined up nice and straight. Another tip is to tell them to go belly to back and face the center of the line. One more thing to make this look more personal and sweet is to have them squeeze onto the person in front of them!
If you liked these 8 best family poses for photoshoots, let me know how ! Reach out to me through email and tag me in your photos Instagram so I can see them! Use the hashtag #annaloaderposes. I love hearing from you!
For couple pose ideas, check those out here!